Hydrophilic chlorin-conjugated magnetic nanoparticles--potential anticancer agent for the treatment of melanoma by PDT.
This Letter reports the synthesis and the characterization of two new water-stable and soluble photosensitizer-conjugated magnetic nanoparticles (PS-MNPs) composed of an iron oxide magnetic core coated with a biocompatible dextran shell bearing polyaminated chlorin p6. Designed to improve cancer cell targeting, these photosensitizers were assayed for their antitumour activity against two variants of B16 mouse melanoma cell line (B16F10 and B16G4F, with or without melanin, respectively). Cell viability measurements demonstrated that PS-MNPs were more phototoxic than PEI-chlorin p6 making these photosensitizers promising for further in vitro and in vivo investigations.