Modalisation et approximations sémantiques entre 2 et 8 ans : pour une dichotomie noms vs verbes
From corpus of nominal and verbal semantic approximations resulting from the childish speech and verbal semantic approximations collected in experimental situation near children from 2 to 8 years, we could note that the young child present, on the one hand, a capacity of modalisation during the early acquisition (2-4 years), which enables him to mark the unusual character of the nominal semantic approximations ("the lollipop it is like an umbrella" Joane: 3,6 years) and, in addition, one nonrecourse to the modalisation within the verbal framework - capacity which appears only towards age the 8 years. This fact would thus tend to show that the categorization of the verbs is less "rigid", less "strict" that of the referential names and thus later.